Have you been to the greeting card store lately? I was amazed at the prices, can you believe $7.95 for the inspired inscription “Wishing you a Happy Birthday”. And the sad thing is these store bought cards normally end up in the trash can.
I wanted to make the cards I sent a little more thoughtful and special. I started with a design from the Infinite Possibilities book.
This book is wonderful collaboration between BabyLock and Anita Goodesign.
Many BabyLock retailers have these books still available for purchase.
I created my first card following the recommended supply list and instructions in the book. Using standard cardstock which I cut down from 8 ½” x 11” to 7” x 10”, folded the cardstock in half to the new size 5” x 7”.
After admiring my work for a little while I knew I want to do more. I stitched another card in exactly the same way with the same materials.
I really liked the card with the paint but I thought I could do more and I had a small piece of cork sitting on my table next to my other supplies.
Oh, but wait there is piece of vinyl that ordered months ago and has stayed rolled up neatly in my supply closet. I tend to buy things like fabric and vinyl with no real plans but I always know that these things will find a home in a great project someday. Just sometimes those supplies like fabric and vinyl have to wait years for their perfect projects.
All cards made with the same thread and pink flower fabric. Not sure which is my favorite.