If you have followed this blog at least a little by now you know I have very little will power when it comes to a good sale at my favorite quilt shop. During the COVID lockdown when we all went home and stayed away from others, I spent a fair amount of time with Coral the owner of River Banks Fabric & More on FaceTime picking out fabrics I thought I needed or just wanted. Coral had this lovely black fabric that I knew I could do something wonderful with and just a few bolts of fabric over was this peach fabric. On FaceTime it looked like a good match and as it turned out it worked out very well.
I found a pattern that required just 3 fabrics and with the black and the peach I was two thirds of the way there. I dug through my stash and found a fabric I have had for nearly 20 years and I knew this was the right project for this oldy but goody fabric. The pattern I used was Roman Holiday from the book “Quick As A Wink 3-Yard Quilts”.
The pattern really went together quickly just like it said it would but I thought it looked a little dull.
Big pieces of fabric with no interest. I new I could fix that problem so with my embroidery machine and some fun quilting I changed my blah Peachy Keen quilt to a look at that Peachy Keen quilt.
The quilting added some incredible interest to the grey/white fabric.
And just because I could I added a fun quilting design even in this small 1 ½” border along with a fun border design in the larger peach border.
My Babylock Solaris Sewing/Embroidery machine is my best friend when I am creating quilts.
For years I have made quilt tops and put them on a shelf telling myself I will quilt them someday. Some of those quilt tops sitting on the shelf are over 20 years old. I love sewing the tops together. The quilting has always been a little daunting for me. It is hard to quilt a large quilt on a domestic sewing machine and a long arm quilting machine takes up so much room. But with my Babylock Solaris and a large magnetic embroidery hoop the overwhelming task of quilting the quilt has become so much more doable for me. And I love the results and originality it gives my quilts. Now I need to start on quiting all those quilt tops sitting on the shelf, oh wait, I still have more fabric so I can make another quilt. Did I tell you I suffer from “OLAS” Oh look a squirrel!